Competition Rules

          Abington Camera Club   COMPETITION RULES Revised November 2023




  1. Interpretation


These rules apply to all internal competitions organised by Abington Camera Club and the decision of the Committee will be final on all matters arising from their interpretation and implementation.


  1. Image of the Year Qualifying Competitions

There are four categories in the Image of the Year Qualifying Competitions; these being the Colour Print section, the Monochrome Print section, the Colour Projected Image section and the Monochrome Projected Image section.

There are 6 Image of the Year Qualifying Competitions, each comprising all 4 sections; Colour and Monochrome Prints and Colour and Monochrome Projected Images. An entry for these competitions is a single print or a single projected image.

 Members may submit up to 2 entries in each section they enter ie a total of 8 entries on each competition evening. Members do not have to enter all sections on any given competition evening.

 The projected image competitions will be judged online by members via the Photo Entry system and the Print competitions will be judged by members present on the competition evening. The marks received will determine 1st, 2nd, 3rd and Highly Commended places. (Ideally this would add up to 6 qualifying images but please note that where there are multiple images with equal marks then this total could vary, or result in reduced or no HCs for that evening.)  All of these placed images become eligible for the Image of the Year Finals – subject to individual quantity restrictions.

  1. Image of the Year Finals and the Roger Tapp Trophy

There are four Image of the Year Finals; these being the Colour Print Final, the Monochrome Print Final, the Colour Projected Image Final and the Monochrome Projected Image Final

An entry is a single print or projected image and is restricted to images awarded 1st, 2nd, 3rd or Highly Commended in one of the four associated Image of the Year sections in the current year. In addition the digital projected image awarded 1st in the Peter Ginger Memorial Rosebowl during the current year is eligible and may be entered into the appropriate PI final.

In each Final a member may submit a maximum of 5 entries, which gained eligibility via the Image of the Year Qualifying Competitions.

In addition the digital image which won the Peter Ginger Memorial Rosebowl may be included in the appropriate PI Final, in this case the member may submit a maximum of 6 projected images in that section.  

The Finals will be judged by an invited, independent judge and the print that is awarded 1st place in each Final shall be “The —— Image of the Year”

In addition, the print that the judge considers to be the best “Coastal Image” from the two Print of the Year Finals shall be awarded the Roger Tapp Trophy.

4             The Cooper Cup

An entry for the Cooper Cup is a set of four digitally projected images, one image of each of four set subjects. Six subjects will be set by the committee shortly after the AGM and members should select four of these for their entry. All components of the finished images must have been taken in the twelve months preceding the competition.

Every member may submit 1 entry only for the competition. Judging is by members.

5             Peter Ginger Memorial Rosebowl

An entry is a single digital projected image where the main element of the image is a person or a small group of people. i.e. this is a competition of people pictures.

Every member may submit a maximum of 5 entries, judged separately; judging is by members.

6             The Print Portfolio

An entry is a single panel of 3 separately mounted prints on a theme (open subject) and each print may be colour or monochrome.

Each member may submit 1 entry only. Judging is by an invited independent judge.



7                         General rules and definitions

7.1              Entry criteria

Competitions are only open to paid up members, i.e. paid up on the day of the competition. If a competition comprises several parts held over more than one day then a member can only enter a part if they are fully paid up on the day of that part. 

Any entry gaining 1st, 2nd or 3rd in any of the competitions shall be ineligible for further entry into that competition in perpetuity. In the Image of the Year Qualifying competitions Highly Commended entries may not be re-entered during that same year; in addition any images having qualified for the Image of the Year in one category, may not be entered in another category in the same year.

7.2              Entry process

Unless otherwise specified by the Competition Secretary, all competitions (including competitions for prints) shall be entered by submitting a jpeg of the image via the Club’s electronic entry system. The jpeg files shall be high quality with a width not exceeding 1920 pixels and a height not exceeding 1080 pixels. Jpeg file names shall be as detailed by the Competition Secretary (or other nominated person) with entries being made no later than the Monday 2 weeks before the relevant competition.  Additionally, for print competitions, the print itself shall be handed to the Competition Secretary (or other nominated person) no later than the Monday immediately preceding the relevant competition.


7.3              Image content


Only work in which all of the elements of the image have been photographed by the entrant may be submitted. Composite images are permitted provided all component images meet this requirement. The author must hold the copyright of all works submitted.


In the interpretation of this rule it is our intention that the committee will follow any leads given by the Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique (FIAP), the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain (PAGB) and the Midland Counties Photographic Federation (MCPF) wherever appropriate.


7.4              Monochrome / colour

A monochrome image is an image that is “either untoned or fully-toned only”. Partial toning or the presence of different colours in different parts of an image causes the image to be categorized as “colour”.


7.5              Prints

All printed images shall be mounted and in these rules the word “print” shall mean a single mount supporting one or more printed images. Each print shall bear the title of the image and the photographer’s name on the reverse of the mount. Although there are no size restrictions for either image or mount, the preferred mount size is 50 x 40 cm as that is the size of the Club’s frames. Mounts larger than 50.8 x 40.64 (20 inches x 16 inches) are discouraged as the prints will then not be eligible for interclub competitions.


7.6              Internal Judging

In internally judged competitions the Competition Secretary will set out the method of scoring. Entrants will not mark their own work.


7.7              Trophies

All trophies are awarded on a temporary basis and must be returned in time for the next competition



December 2023

Martin Bodsworth

Internal Competition Secretary



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