
Excel tables for 2020 onwards for info and analysis only:

Excel Archives: 20072008200920102011201220132014 – 2015 – 2016  – 2017  – 2018 –  20192020  – 2021* –  2022   – 2023 – 

*2021 Prints included first 2 heats from 2020 

NB. Cumulative competition ended in 2019 and results from 2020 onwards are for information only


The Cooper Cup 2023: 1st Martin Bodsworth –  2nd= Alan Edwards – 2nd= Bob Leathersich

Best picture of the competition: “Close Action” by Peter Miller


The Peter Ginger Memorial Rosebowl 2023

1st A Smile by Lee Streeton
2nd Street Fairy by Steve Wakefield
3rd Amy by Martin Bodsworth


The Print Portfolio Competition 2023

Winner: Alan Edwards “New Street Reflections “

Second: Mark Wilkinson “Spires”

Third: Grant Timms “Seats of Religion”


Image of the Year 2022

Monochrome Print: Winter Tree Silhouettes by Peter Miller

Colour Print: Ullapool Fleet in Evening Light by Martin Bodsworth

Projected Image Colour: Rolling Mist over Mam Tor by Christa Campling

Projected Image Mono: Symbol of Iceland by Martin Bodsworth

Roger Tapp Trophy:   Ullapool Fleet in Evening Light by Martin Bodsworth 


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